Humanity Axis works to help children and communities by partnering with non-profits and other organizations that provide education, training, and work and catalog their resources into a searchable database that cross-references between the need of the community and available resources so they are enabled and encouraged to drive their own lives with our community-based approach.

Who We Serve
We serve individuals, families, children, and youth. Humanity Axis creates lasting, data-driven “liberation” solutions to some of the most pressing challenges in our community. Challenges such as: Homelessness, Generational poverty, Health & Inequality.

Shift service models from defining people by the issue(s) they are facing to services that center on humanity.

People need to be connected to others and to be helpful. We all need to feel we belong and are safe. We need to experience some predictability in life, that we have some influence over what’s happening around us, and to experience purpose and growth. We need to know that small steps forward aren’t going to cause everything to come crashing down or cost us what was working in other parts of our life. We need to be able to hold onto, and build on, what matters to us. In combination and balance, these needs and experiences comprise our humanity.

We must structure our communities and systems to align with, tap into and amplify the human drive for humanity to do good.